
We are part of the climate and environmental and social justice movement and our team consists of several members of different climate, environmental, social justice, Indigenous and anti-capitalist movements.

Read our team manifesto here!

As a trained Egyptologist, Cindy enjoys excavations, but has absolutely no interest in seeing more species become extinct. She is our head of the German constituency offices in Dresden and Göttingen and organizes trips and networking with activists worldwide. Incidentally, she is particularly familiar with forest occupations and blockages of fossil fuel infrastructure. 

Languages: German, English, hieroglyphs (hieratic, demotic, Coptic)

Adrian is from Ireland.  
He mainly works on EU policy in relation to the climate, environment and agriculture, covering the Environment and Public Health Committee (ENVI) and the Agriculture Committee (AGRI) for Carola. He is especially interested in nature restoration, the Common Agricultural Policy, food sovereignty, resource consumption and degrowth and Real Zero emissions. Languages: English, Irish.

Isabel leads the office in Brussels and takes care of all administrative matters relating to the work in the European Parliament for Carola and the rest of the team. She is also the contact person for press and public relations in German-speaking countries and provides support in the cooperation between the team and the German delegation and parliamentary group of the Left Party.

Languages: German, English, Dutch

Moritz not only works with Carola in the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI), but also with farmers, the movement and as a board member of the Youth Association for the Environment and Nature Conservation Germany (BUND e.V.) for left-wing, social-ecological answers in agriculture. His mission for the mandate: Strengthen the climate justice movement worldwide and fight the climate and biodiversity crisis and social injustice together!

Languages: German, English

Juan Pablo, a tireless advocate for Mother Earth and social justice, belongs to the Yukpa people, an Indigenous community at imminent risk of extinction in Colombia. As a lecturer of Decolonial Studies, he is known for challenging and deconstructing patterns of thinking, cultural norms, and social practices that perpetuate the legacy of colonialism, imperialism, and racism. In our team, he is responsible for managing relationships with social and grassroots movements from the Global South. He coordinates delegation visits to Europe, with the primary goal of raising awareness and connecting them with movements in Europe. You can connect with him on Instagram directly via @juan_pablo_gutierrez_official 

Languages: Yukpa, Spanish, French

João is a climate researcher and climate justice activist, responsible for the team’s general communication strategy. With a background on agrarian and environmental sciences, he first worked as a journalist before teaching chemistry and botany at the University in Mozambique. Back in Portugal, he was heavily involved in the anti-austerity movement in the early 2010s. In 2015 he co-founded Climáximo, an anticapitalist grassroots movement in Portugal. A direct action revolutionary ecosocialist with a sharp pen and keyboard , you can find him on instagram @jcamargo83 or on Twitter at @jocamargo83 

Languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, Italian

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